I decided to outline this article from the Desert News. It is a column titled,
Reasons To Run, by a teammate of mine in her fifth year.
Cecily Lew, starts out with a personal experience from a couple weekends back when the National Track and Field Competitions were being run. She tells of the difficulty she and her husband had trying to locate the races online and the poor quality with which they were broadcast. She compares the experience to the ease of locating and watching a basketball game from home.
After her personal experience she states that she recognizes the limitations of having an entire channel dedicated to running; however, she mentions changes that can be made such as national races being broadcast live with a clear image.
Next Lew, transitions to expressing her frustration to the lack of exposure the running world currently gets. She gives several posed anecdotes and conversations of non-runner/ runner encounters, and common questions asked. In this part of the the article she uses satire, irony, and sarcasm giving the article a comical and casual feel.
She intercedes one of her posed conversations toward the end with a "truth of the matter" statement. She informs her audience of the punchline of her arguments by reiterating that track runs year round and there is a vast running world out there with thousands of exciting/ inspirational stories.
She closes by picking up the posed conversation and ends with a satirical comment displaying apparent frustration at non-runners lack of understanding regarding the running world.