Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The IP....check.

There's no better feeling than putting a satisfying check mark next to an item on a to do list. I enjoy this simple action so much, I often rewrite things I've already done on the list, just so I can enthusiastically cross them off. Well class, The biggest monster, our Issue Papers, can officially be crossed off our writing 150 to do lists. Op. Ed: check. Rhetorical Analysis: check. Issues Paper: check. IP: check. Paper with Issues: check. The paper of Issues: check. check. and CHECK!

I actually thoroughly enjoyed this paper. It was a beast to research and write, but I was interested in my topic and could have read article after article about it! I learned so much and gained a valuable opinion I will carry with me through out the rest of my life. My least favorite part was the Annotated Bibliography. However, I found that even that was moderately useful.  Congratulation classmates, We're one step closer to summer!



  1. I agree Liz, the best part about having agendas is being able to make list after list in them. If you look back in all of the pages in mine they are nothing but scribbles where i crossed everything off. Looks pretty beautiful to me though. ;)

  2. You're post just made me laugh :). Your paper was amazing! You did a fantastic job. Keep up the good work.

  3. I agree that checking this off a to-do list is very theruputic and creates a sense of accomplishment! Good luck on future papers!

  4. hahaha I love that you wrote the same thing like 10 times just different wording! i'm sure thats some kind of use of writing ;) haha I hope i see you next year, you are amazing and gorgeous!

  5. Yeah, like everyone else probably stated, actually being interesting makes the process go by WAY faster! And makes it much more enjoyable. But, I'm right there with you. Just one more check and that's the MMA! :D

