Friday, January 28, 2011

Opinion Editorial Evaluation

I honestly really enjoyed this essay. I felt like the Opinion Editorial was the perfect assignment to ease us into writing. It emphasized the rhetoric of our writing, without worrying about complex arguments or statistical sources. I felt like it was a very open ended assignment which granted a lot a flexibility and freedom. It was fun writing on something we were so legitimately concerned about and involved in, and interesting to order our thoughts from frustrations to substantial claims and arguments. The short length emphasized the importance of concision and saying what needs to be said in a fewer amount of words. Turning our "complaints" into effective arguments and stating them in a mature manner is a great life skill that we will continue to use throughout the rest of our lives.


  1. I definitely agree with you! I think being able to write a good Opinion Editorial is a skill that will benefit you all throughout your life!

  2. I agree that it was nice having a paper that made sure we did it the right way but still was casual enough to let our voice come through.

  3. Hey! Text me so we can do our study group together:) If you get this tonight, text me. Thanks!
