Hello! My name is Elizabeth Ricks. I am eighteen years-old and attending Brigham Young University. I have high expectations for myself and generally know what I want out of life. I, first and foremost, want to be happy! I want to be successful on my own terms of; home, family, friends, athletics, and work. I want to graduate from the Y with good grades and in a timely manner, pleased with my academic and athletic accomplishments. I hope to start a family of my own one day, where I'll be able to teach my children the things I've been taught and learned thus far.
I plan to support my husband in his career, wherever that might take us. I want to travel the world and revisit many of the exotic places I've been, with my own family. I want life to be exciting, spontaneous, and rewarding. I want to meet many new people, travel to new places, make new friends, taste new foods, develop new hobbies, and discover new talents. One of my favorite quotes says something something like, "I want to arrive at my grave, not perfectly manicured and rested, but rather, skid in broad side, out of control, thoroughly used up and totally worn out, proclaiming, Wow, what a ride!" Life is a precious gift that I plan to make the most of!